Scriptures: James 3:1-12, Proverbs 18:21, Matthew 12:36-37
The easiest way to sin is with the tongue. It takes very little effort to sin with your mouth. Your tongue can throw darts, fire bullets and drop bombs anytime, anywhere, without even breaking a sweat. It is no wonder that God put the tongue in a cage, behind the teeth, walled in by your mouth. We all use words. We have all used good words and bad words. We have all used words that hurt and we have all used words that heal. Dr. Merritt explains that the book of James teaches us that Real faith uses words in the worship of God and for the well being of others. God gave us the tongue to use. It is not that we should never speak, but we should speak warmly, winsomely, and wisely.
"As we study these twelve verses, you are going to see that he is relentless in making the point that real faith must control its tongue. In fact, there is more here about the tongue and about words than you will find anywhere else, not only in the Bible, but in all of the literature that has ever been written in the history of the world." --Dr. Merritt
Keywords: faith, works, words, talk, tongue, speech, Coca-Cola, China, Coors, truth, honesty, lie, hate, boast, forgiveness, sound, listen, hear
Pastors Edge provides Bible preachers and teachers with ready-to-use resources and materials based on the preaching of Dr. James Merritt, Senior Pastor at Cross Pointe Church in Duluth, GA and host of the international broadcast ministry Touching Lives.