The central message of the Christian faith is that Jesus saves. He saves us into a relationship with Him. He saves us from an eternity apart from Him. He saves us to a life of purpose through Him. Salvation isn't about praying a prayer, checking a box or completing a 3-step program. It's far deeper--and it's far simpler.
Dr. Merritt shares this three-part series entitled Life. Look at three important questions we have about salvation... How do we get it?, how do we know it's real? and how do we keep it? This series will help you understand salvation in Christ, and what it means for your life now, and the life to come. It's a great series to enjoy with your friends and neighbors who may be not attend a church anywhere.
Keywords: salvation, Christ, cross, crucifixion, belief, faith, surrender, redeemed, redemption, believe, Jesus, heart
Series messages include:
Pastors Edge provides Bible preachers and teachers with ready-to-use resources and materials based on the preaching of Dr. James Merritt, Senior Pastor at Cross Pointe Church in Duluth, GA and host of the international broadcast ministry Touching Lives.