Scriptures: Genesis 37, 39:1-3, 39:9, 39:21-23, 40:23, 41:1, 50:20, Romans 12:2, 8:28, Psalm 37:23, 121:5-8, 105:17-19, Acts 7:9, 1 Peter 5:6-7
God not only has something wonderful for us as His children, but He has something far greater than we could ever imagine. A man named Joseph can give a firsthand testimony of the truth of that statement. Joseph illustrates four facts we will find true as we walk the path of life God has cleared for us. As Dr. Merritt details these four truths, they will help us remember that God has something special for us even if we face depressing circumstances or dark and cloudy days.
"If you truly believe God has a plan for you, and if you dare to be a dreamer, you are going to be criticized, ridiculed, derided, jeered, mocked and laughed at. There will always be others who tell you that your dreams are inconceivable, impractical, or impossible. We learn through Joseph that life is not always fair. It should not surprise us because Calvary was not fair. If Calvary was not fair, then why would we think life is going to be fair for us?" --Dr. Merritt
Keywords: special, unique, perspective, jealousy, falsely accused, Jezebel, slavery, Midianite, sold, forgot, against, guide, guard, measure, character, George Bidell Airy, Charles H. Huell, Dr. Vance Havner, dreams, R.A. Fessenden, President McKinley, Wright Brothers, Egypt, Potipher's wife, determined, tempted, purity, suffering, darkness, approval, prison, humble, care, triumph, belief, integrity
Pastors Edge provides Bible preachers and teachers with ready-to-use resources and materials based on the preaching of Dr. James Merritt, Senior Pastor at Cross Pointe Church in Duluth, GA and host of the international broadcast ministry Touching Lives.