A man and a woman come together and they get married. In the beginning they give each other their undivided attention and their undiluted affection. Then, children come into the home and a shift occurs. Many times it occurs subconsciously. The wife resigns from her primary role of being a wife and puts her number one priority as being a mother. She totally immerses herself in the lives of her children giving attention to every need, want and desire that they have.
The husband abdicates his primary role of being a husband and pushes at the top of the list being a father. Bearing that great responsibility, which it is, he begins to step up his role as a career chaser to provide for his family. His desire to make more and get more so his family can have more becomes the driving force of his life. So where the mother buries herself literally in being the keeper of the household, he buries himself in his work. All of that results in a dangerous mix of the marriage being pushed down to the bottom of the barrel.
Many families are in this predicament. Disjointed. Disconnected. Lacking direction. What they need is to be reunited under God's biblical plan for the family. In this four-part teaching series, Dr. Merritt looks at how the family can reconnect and realize its true potential and purpose in Christ.
Keywords: family, husband, wife, children, honor, obey, respect, God, plan, purpose, understanding, Christian, roles, attention, affection, love, communication, parents
Series messages include:
Pastors Edge provides Bible preachers and teachers with ready-to-use resources and materials based on the preaching of Dr. James Merritt, Senior Pastor at Cross Pointe Church in Duluth, GA and host of the international broadcast ministry Touching Lives.