Episode 3618
Broadcast Date: June 26, 2022
Series: Joy Ride - A Study of Philippians
Scripture: Philippians 1:1-6
Message Summary: The Apostle Paul wrote thirteen books of the New Testament. All of them were letters. Of the thirteen letters, eleven of them were written to seven different churches. Philippians is the only letter that we have in the New Testament where Paul never one time corrects bad teaching, rebukes bad behavior, or handled a bad situation. We see only a completely positive letter to a church he wrote. This was a church that was full of joy. It was a church that gave joy to the pastor that founded it and gave joy to the people who attended it. Nineteen times you will find in this book the words “rejoice, joy, and gladness.” When you read this book you realize this is what a church should look like on the inside to the people who attend it, but it is also what a church ought to look like from the outside to people who don’t attend it. I want to share with you today the three things that are true about that church that I want to be true about the church today, both to insiders and to outsiders. I want to be a church wanted.
This sermon transcript is from a sermon preached by Dr. James Merritt on an episode of Touching Lives. This product will be delivered electronically as a downloadable PDF file via email using the email provided at the time of purchase.
Copyright © 2022 by Dr. James Merritt. All rights reserved. This information or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without express written permission.
Pastors Edge provides Bible preachers and teachers with ready-to-use resources and materials based on the preaching of Dr. James Merritt, Senior Pastor at Cross Pointe Church in Duluth, GA and host of the international broadcast ministry Touching Lives.