Scriptures: Proverbs 5:15-23, 7:6-8, 7:13-18, 2:16, 5:3-5, 6:24, 7:5, 7:21-23, 5:14
Parents can discuss many subjects without difficulty. Cars, sports, fashion, friendships, God and faith. But when it comes to talking with our children about sex, many parents whither under the challenge. And because parents are not talking honestly, biblically and early, we continue to see tremendous challenges with young people who engage in sex before marriage, too early and with tremendously negative consequences. Believing that God's Law was somehow written in pencil, we have given over sex education to a culture that is passing out erasers. In this message, Dr. Merritt gets up front and honest about sex education for children from a frank and biblical perspective.
"For too long, both pastors and fathers have had their heads in the sand hoping this topic would just go away. But the subject cannot be avoided. The sad fact is, our children are getting their sex education in schools, social media, the television, magazines, billboards, and among their friends, but not at home. Solomon wisely observed about the person who goes wrong in the area of sex. 'He shall die for lack of instruction, and in the greatness of his folly he shall go astray.' (Proverbs 5:23) Our children are dying physically from venereal disease, emotionally from guilt, and spiritually from sexual sin, because of the lack of proper instruction." --Dr. Merritt
Keywords: sex, education, Ann Landers, dating, Pasadena, Planned Parenthood, George Gallup, homosexuality, U.S. Department of Education, Martin Luther, Henry Brandt, Eugene Peterson, The Message, Dick Morris, Solomon, Dennis Maki, University of Wisconsin Infections Disease Department, New York Daily News, American Medical Association, King David, AIDS, monogamy, Public Health Service
Pastors Edge provides Bible preachers and teachers with ready-to-use resources and materials based on the preaching of Dr. James Merritt, Senior Pastor at Cross Pointe Church in Duluth, GA and host of the international broadcast ministry Touching Lives.